3 Shades of Black

by Hank Williams 3

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:36 a.m. ← Back

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Damn Right, Rebel Proud

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Tabbed by



1st → Hank III

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29 KB




three shades of black is where I come fr------om de--pression mis-er--y and hell---a---cious fu---------un no we're not the kind to turn our backs and ru---n cause three shades of black is whe---re we come fr---------om we are a cer-tain breed and we don't like y---------ou some are junkies some are freaks and others are every day ghou---------------ls no one will ev-er know what we've been throu------gh and we are pro-----------ud in the li------ght o----f the moo----------n three----------------ee shades of bla---ack three----------------ee shades of bla-----ack we all like met--al and whis---k---ey liv-in' ha--rd and cha-s-in' down H---------ell we'll never give up on what we have cause the dark---ness gives us our th--r----------ills yea------------------------ah yea------------------yea------ah three shades of black is where I come fr-------om I was born in-to sa-cra--fi-ce when I was yo-----------ung three shades of black is what makes us stro------ng and we all wear it li------ke a uni----form of cho---sen ones three----------------ee shades of bla--------ack three----------------ee shades of bla-----------ack we all like met--al and whis---k---ey liv-in' ha---rd and cha-s--in' down H------ell we'll never give up on what we have cause the dark---ness gives us our th--r-------------ills cause the da-----rk-ne-----ss gi-----ves us our thri---------------------------------------------------------------------lls


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